GPS antenna


Understanding GPS antenna types

Understanding GPS antenna types

GPS (Global Positioning System) is a technology that uses Satellite navigation to determine geographical location and time. The GPS antenna is an important component of GPS equipment, which can receive GPS signals from satellites and convert them into usable data. This article will analyze and explore several common ty...

How to Weld GPS Antenna PCB

How to Weld GPS Antenna PCB

GPS antenna is a very important electronic device used to collect and send location information. GPS antennas are often used in car navigation systems, portable light pens, mobile phones, tablets, and other electronic devices.In a GPS antenna, the PCB is one of its key components. This type of PCB needs to be soldered...

GPS antenna principle

GPS antenna principle

GPS is a terminal that receives satellite signals for positioning or navigation. And receiving signals requires the use of antennas. GPS antennas are divided into internal antennas and external antennas. In the early days, GPS handheld devices mostly used flip out antennas. At this time, the antenna was basically isola...